Every year we like to encourage folks to choose a word of the year rather than a resolution. It can be a promise to yourself or a reminder of something important. We asked our friend, Brooke Bohinc to speak about words and what they mean to her as a reminder to start the year off right. Check out her other writing on her blog here!


I’m someone who loves words. Finding just the right ones to communicate exact thoughts and intentions is one of my favorite things. So the idea of choosing one word for the entire year is both exhilarating and daunting. 

Because I firmly believe that words have the power to create change—in us, others, and the world. Which always leads me to this very important question: what change do I want to see? 

Last year, I became aware of how much I sway from one extreme to the next. I’m a very feely Enneagram Four (The Individualist), and I noticed that I was either all in or all out in most areas of my life. So I decided to spend the year settling in, aiming to hang out somewhere in the middle of my extremes. Most days that got played out by reframing my self-talk. I learned to be kinder to myself, and in that, I started to feel a level of settledness that I’d really been lacking. 

Now that I’m more rooted, I’ve been able to look at myself much more objectively, which is a HUGE win for a Four. And what I’ve seen is that I’ve a lot of values that don’t actually play out in my day-to-day life. My awareness of myself, others, and what I want my life to look like is high, but my follow through, well, that’s really lacking. 

Which is how I landed on my word for 2020—integrate. 

This year, I want to become more integrated, which by definition means to combine and become whole. I want the pieces of me that feel separate to come together. I want the values and awareness I hold in my mind to actually come into contact with my actions, making an impact on how I show up in my life

Because I’ll be honest, I’m a mixed bag . . . 

There’s the mom-me who values my children, their childhood, and a shame-free space for them to learn and grow. But I also like things done the “right” way and anxiously move them through the day. 

There’s the entrepreneur-me who makes space for words and grammar to create entirely new worlds or impact customers and readers through stories of passion and purpose. But I also shy away from being brave in my own writing, fearful that my own book won’t be up to snuff.  

There’s the friend-me who craves connection and depth—a small, intentional circle. But I also sometimes choose to stay home in my sweatpants and worry about being excluded and forgotten instead of initiating in my relationships. 

There’s the wife-me who values marriage as one of the most important relationships in my life. But I’m also tired and over it and would rather turn to technology than conversation most nights.

Awareness is great, but it only gets us so far. So this year, I want to integrate. I want my awareness to fuel actual change. I want to choose more often than not to engage with my children calmly. I want to be brave in my business and my writing. I want to show up for the people in my life in an authentic way. I want to choose relationships over excessive solitude or other appealing distractions. This is the year to take all that I’ve learned and bring it all together. It’s time to become more whole.

To choose your Word of the Year, check out our custom bracelets (they're on sale!).

More about Brooke: Brooke Bohinc is a copywriter and editor. With a deep belief that words create change, she helps authors and entrepreneurs communicate what matters most to them. Brooke graduated with honors from The Ohio State University with a degree in English and a minor in business writing. When not fully immersed in her clients’ projects, Brooke brainstorms new cliffhangers and plot twists for her own novel. She’s been happily absorbed in fictional worlds for most of her life. 
Pic: @haileylaurenphoto